Sat Jinda Kalyana PG College, Kalanaur (Rohtak)
Re-accredited 'A' Grade by NAAC (Affiliated to M.D. University, Rohtak)
Start Event : Mon 1 Jul, 19, 00 : 00
End Event : Mon 30 June, 20 , 00 : 00
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The academic session will start from 01.07.2019 1st Teaching Term: 16.07.2019 to 23.10.2019 Vacation I (Diwali): 24.10.2019 to 30.10.2019 2nd Teaching Term: 31.10.2019 to 18.11.2019 Examinations: 19.11.19 onwards Winter Vacation II : 20.12.19 to 31.12.2019 Even Semester 1st Teaching Term: 01.01.2020 to 07.03.2020 Vacation I (Holi): 08.03.2020 to 15.03.2020 2nd Teaching Term: 16.03.2020 to 30.04.2020 Examinations: 01.05.2020 onwards Summer Vacation: 20.05.2020 to 30.06.2020
show moreStart Event : Mon 1 Jul, 19, 00 : 00
End Event : Mon 15 Jul, 19 , 00 : 00
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Admissions for the academic session 2019-20: 01.07.2019 to 15.07.2019
show moreStart Event : Fri 7 Feb, 20, 09 : 00
End Event : Fri 7 Feb, 20 , 00 : 00
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The college is organizing the Inter college quiz competition, in collaboration with "Youth For Rural Development"/ GRAVIT (Gramin Vikas Ke Liye Tarun), Rohtak. The quiz will be based on questions mainly from economics, history, geography, political science and current affairs. Interested candidates are required to submit their confirmation via mail before or on 30 Jan, 2020 at
show moreStart Event : Mon 29 Jan, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Mon 29 Jan, 20 , 00 : 00
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"Celebrating 50th Anniversary"
show moreStart Event : Sat 22 Feb, 20, 09 : 30
End Event : Sat 22 Feb, 20 , 16:00
29th Annual Athletic meet
show moreStart Event : Mon 9 Mar, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Sat 14 Mar, 20 , 04 : 00
04 : 00
Pass Port size Photograph SAT JINDA KALYANA EDUCATIOIN SOCIETY (REGD.) KALANAUR (ROHTAK) Nomination form for Election to S.J.K.College, Governing Body, Kalanaur (Rohtak) 1. Name of the Post : President/Vice-President/Gen. Secretary/Treasurer /Governing Body Member/Representative of Teaching/Non-teaching staff :_____________________ 2. Name of the Candidate :_____________________________ 3. Father’s Name: ____________________________________ 4. Date of Birth : ______________________________________ 5. Educational Qualifications ___________________________ 6. Life membership No. _______________________________ 7. Complete Address : _____________________________________________________ 8. Mobile No. ________________________________ 9. Aadhar No.: ________________________________ 10. Proposed By : Name _______________ Father’s Name________________Life membership No.______ Address___________________________________________________________ Signature________________ 11. Seconded By: Name ________________Father’s Name_________________Life membership _______ Address____________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________ Date: Signature of the Candidate SAT JINDA KALYANA EDUCATION SOCIETY (REGD), KALANAUR (ROHTAK) All the life members of Sat Jinda Kalyana Education Society (Regd.), Kalanaur (Rohtak) are informed that the election of the governing body of Sat Jinda Kalyana College, Kalanaur (Rohtak) shall be held on 14.04.2020 at Sat Jinda Kalyana Asharm, Kalanaur (Rohtak) Haryana as per schedule given below : 1. Submission of Nomination Form/Papers from 03.03.2020 to 11.03.2020.upto 3.30 p.m. 2. Scrutiny of Nomination papers from 12.03.2020 to 16.03.2020 upto 3.30 p.m. 3. Withdrawal of Nomination papers on 17.03.2020 to 21.03.2020 upto 3.30 p.m. 4. Election shall be held on 14.04.2020 from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.. (Pritam Dass Bhayana) Returning Officer SAT JINDA KALYANA EDUCATION SOCIETY (REGD), KALANAUR (ROHTAK) HARYANA) CORRIGENDUM Reference notification published in the New Bharat Times (Hindi) and The Times of India on 27.02.2020 regarding election of the Governing Body of Sat Jinda Kalyana College, Kalanaur (Rohtak) Haryana. All the life members of the Sat Jinda Kalyana Education Society (Regd.) Kalanaur (Rohtak) Haryana are informed that the election of the four office bearers i.e. President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Treasurer, eleven members of Governing Body, two representative of teaching staff and one representative of non-teaching staff shall be held as per schedule already notified in above mentioned news papers published on 27.02.2020 (Pritam Dass Bhayana) Returning Officer
show moreStart Event : Wed 8 Apr, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Wed 8 Apr, 20 , 00 : 00
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In orders to keep students connected to acedmics during the lock down,SJK College has started e-classes to facilitate learning. Students may also benefit from various e-learning sources. For this please use the links given in the useful links section of the website. Pearson is offering Free full text access to its Pearson eLibrary having about 4000 ebooks at : Username Password : welcome1 Acess available till 30th April. (Quick links may be found in the our Courses Tab).
show moreStart Event : Wed 8 Apr, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Fri 1 May, 20 , 00 : 00
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In the difficult time of Covid 19, where classes are not taking place, the faculty of SJK college took the initiative to provide the students with study material and various other online material for the respective topics. The students can have access to the material either directly through watsapp groups made by respective professors or they can access using the link given below: The link contain the class wise study material provided by the professors. Hope the initiative will support. Stay Inside, Stay Safe, Stay Healthy
show moreStart Event : Sat 18 Apr, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Sat 18 Apr, 20 , 00 : 00
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SJK college Kalanaur ,Department of Psycology supports students by providing the psychological counselling in the difficult time of COVID-19.If any student find any Psychological Problem Please Contact. Psychologists name and information name are given in attached file.
show moreStart Event : Thu 23 Apr, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Sun 3 May, 20 , 00 : 00
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In the midst of crisis, the Department of Computer Science, SJK College, Kalanur is organizing INTER COLLEGE POSTER MAKING COMPETITION. As the Young students with their innovative minds can help the world against the fight of global Epidemic, COVID 19. Therefore, i invite every mind to come forward with ideas in the form of poster. The Competition will accept Online Poster developed using online software like Word/ Paint/ Powerpoint/ Poster developing app. Further short essay describing the poster is to be sent. The students can register using google form link: For any query they can mail at : and also can join watsaap group using: The submission is to be done only in pdf format before 03/05/2020.
show moreStart Event : Sat 16 May, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Sun 24 May, 20 , 00 : 00
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Sjk college happy to welcome all the alumi to e- alumni meet .You are cordially invited to your Alma Mater,to cherish all the joyfull moments we spent together,to reminiscence the memorable experience and sharing stories of success and hapiness. All the alumni are requested to register through this link .
show moreStart Event : Sun 24 May, 20, 12 : 00 pm
End Event : Sun 24 May, 20 , 02: 00 pm
02: 00 pm
Meeting Topic: SJK College, Kalanaur E-Alumni Meet Meeting number: 915522559 When: Sunday, May 24, 2020, 12:00 PM (2 hrs) India Standard Time GMT+05:30 URL:
show moreStart Event : Fri 29 May, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Thu 4 Jun, 20 , 00 : 00
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Sanskrit is the mother of all languages.. The beauty of its sound, precision in pronunciation and reliability as well as thoroughness in every aspect of its structures, makes it a unique language.The schlok recitation competition will be organised on 4 jun 2020 by department of Sanskrit .The interested participants can send their vedios via whatsApp at 9017251831.
show moreStart Event : Fri 29 May, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Sun 7 Jun, 20 , 00 : 00
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COVID-19 has suspended normality across the globe.The pandemic is changing how we live and is subsequently having a profound impact on the environment.Economy and also the society stucture.As the earth environment has improved but the health of human beings are stressed.Sjk college organizes "National level Essay writing competition" by dept of Geography on different aspects mentioned. Students can register using link: send their essay via gmail at last date for the submission is 7 June 2020. The registration link is
show moreStart Event : Fri 29 May, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Sun 14 Jun, 20 , 00 : 00
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Sat Jinda Kalyana College, Kalanaur, Rohtak (Haryana) is organizing national level online quiz competition by department of commerce on “General Knowledge”. Main aim of the online quiz competition is to enable participants to think from different angles or simply “To Think Out of the Box”. The quiz will be held on 14/06/2020. Interested Participants can register using link: The Last date of registration is 10 June 2020.
show moreStart Event : Fri 12 Jun, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Sun 21 Jun, 20 , 09 : 00
09 : 00
Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness with yourself, the world and the nature. SJK college proudly celebrating international yoga day by organizing "State level Inter college Yoga competition". Due to current pandemic, the International Yoga Day will be celebrated on digital media platforms and there would be no mass gatherings. The participants can send there yoga vedio by 19/06/2020 via emailing at For any query, contact at 9255105287
show moreStart Event : Fri 12 Jun, 20, 00 : 00
End Event : Mon 22 Jun, 20 , 17 : 00
17 : 00
The outbreak of the COVID-19 disease has posed great challenges to the worldwide economy and people’s daily lives and will have far-reaching consequences beyond the spread of the disease. At the same time, crisis is also a strong driver of creativity and innovation. Sjk College, youth Red Cross Cell, is organising the online collage making competition. The students are requested to create the creative collage on the theme of "Creativity and Innovation amid COVID19 crisis". The participants can send their submission via emailing at on or before 22/06/2020.
show moreStart Event : Sun 9 Aug, 20, 10 : 31
End Event : Sun 9 Aug, 20 , 00 : 00
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It is hereby informed that the general house meeting will be held on 09/08/2020 from 10:30 AM onwards. The meeting will be presided by Sant Khushaldas Ji at Sat Jinda Kalyana Tikana, Kalanaur. Everyone is requested to join the meeting. Further, all are directed to wear the mask as directed by govt.
show moreStart Event : 7/09/2021, 00 : 00
End Event : 7 Sep, 21 , 00 : 00
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In the Spirit of celebrating "Poshan Maah", SJK College NSS Unit 1 and 2, University Outreach cell conducted the tree plantation Campaign
show moreStart Event : 01/03/2021, 00 : 00
End Event : 01/03/2021 , 00 : 00
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Sjk college invites you to participate in this noble cause. In the association with Rd Cross Society, College is organising a camp where students as well as other donors are requested to donate the blood for saving the lives.
show moreStart Event : Wed 4 May, 22, 00 : 00
End Event : Wed 4 May, 22 , 00 : 00
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Post of Assistant Professor English & Psychology (Gen. Category) on regular Basis.
show moreStart Event : Sat 11 Jun, 22, 02 : 00
End Event : Sat 11 Jun, 22 , 00 : 00
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SJK College, Kalanaur (Rohtak) is organizing a National Webinar on 'Intellectual Property Rights: Basic Concepts' Resource Person : Dr Sonu Dehmiwal Associate Professor Department of Law MDU, Rohtak
show moreStart Event : 20/5/2022, 00 : 00
End Event : 09/6/2022 , 00 : 00
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Post of Assistant Professor Commerce, Geography, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Sweeper, Night Chowkidar, Mali, Laboratory Attendant in Self Financing Scheme on Regular Basis.
show moreStart Event : Thu 3 Nov, 22, 00 : 00
End Event : Fri 4 Nov, 22 , 00 : 00
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The NAAC Peer Team will visit the college on 3-4 November 2022
show moreStart Event : Monday 7 Aug, 23, 00 : 00
End Event : Friday 11 Aug, 23 , 00 : 00
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IMPORTANT NOTICE Sat Jinda Kalyana College, Kalanaur (Rohtak) Call for Quotation Date : 07.08.2023 N.C.C. Unit, S.J.K. College, Kalanaur invites Quotations for Refreshment to Cadets for the year 2023-24 for refreshment items such as Juice, Fruity, Biscuits etc. The estimated number of cadets will be around 35-40 per day which may increase or decrease. The total cost of Refreshment will be around Rs 40000-45000 which can be more or less according to the cadets. Such interested parties having GST Number can submit their Quotation in sealed cover to Mr. Sanjay Khitha in the college office by 11.08.2023.
show moreStart Event : Sat 20 Apr, 24, 11 : 30
End Event : Sat 20 Apr, 24 , 00 : 00
00 : 00
Dear Alumni, Its a matter of great pleasure that Alumni Cell of S.J.K. (PG) College is organising Alumni Meet, Milan 2024 on 20th April, 2024 at 11.30 a.m. So all are cordially invited. Please grace the occasion with your benign presence.
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